Knives Out - Spoiler Free Review

Hey guys! So this will be my first post in a while, I'm sorry for that, but hey, better late than never, eh? So Knives Out is a 2019 Rian Johnson murder mystery written by him as well. Now I have seen two movies written and directed by him, Star Wars The Last Jedi, and Looper. But I don't actually like either very much. This might be the first Rian Johnson movie that I ACTUALLY like. PLOT: The apparent suicide of a billionaire mystery writer leads to the unveiling of many secrets of the family as genius detective Benoit Blanc tries to unweave the webs. CAST: Benoit Blanc: Daniel Craig Ana de Armas: Marta Cabrera Michael Shanon: Walt Thombrey Jaimie Lee Curtis: Linda Drysdale Toni Collete: Joni Thombrey Katherine Langford: Meg Thombrey Chris Evans: Hugh Ransom Drysdale REVIEW: Knives Out, woah where do I begin with this film? This movie is such a thrill ride, I can't even begin to explain what I feel after a film. This is undoubtedly a l...