Lee Child's Jack Reacher - A Character Study

Hey, guys! So as a friend of mine pointed out, I haven't written a post about books in a while now. The last one was in April of last year. So, today I'm going to talk about one of my favorites protagonists in a book series. That's right. Today, I'm gonna talk about Jack Reacher. No middle name. Way back in 1995, James D. "Jim" Grant was fired from his job at Granada Television in Manchester. Fast forward to March 1997, Grant publishes his first book, Killing Floor, under the pen name Lee Child. As of today (2019) Child has written 23 books and a collection of short stories, all revolving around this one specific character: Jack Reacher. What makes him so special that even after 24 books in 22 years, people still return to this character and are still a fan of his! Fun Fact: Lee Child went to the same high school as the legendary fantasy writer, J.R.R. Tolkien. So, today, I'm going to examine why Reacher is such a likable character as compared to othe...