Problems With Avengers Endgame

Hey guys! So I know I haven't posted in a while, and there's really no reason why. But there's news! I've been posting short reviews of films I like on my Instagram account: @blogofbooksandmovies! So go check that out. I've begun to post reviews there because I want to change up the content of this blog, from reviews to in-depth analyses of films and books. Now, on with the post! So, Avengers Endgame has been out for a month, and in that time I've seen it twice. And I have a few problems with it. Now don't get me wrong, I think it's a brilliant movie and it's absolutely fabulous the way it is. But, then again, I want to point out some problems here and there in the movie. Spoilers for Avengers Endgame are down below (though if you haven't seen it yet, it's kind of on you, the movie's been out for over a month, go watch it!) #1) Ant-Man getting out of the Quantum Realm This is kind of a small thing, but it still bugged me so...