The Suicide Squad - A Spoiler Free Review

Hey guys! It's been a while since I've had one of these. So I went back to the theatre for the first time in about six months, and the film I chose was James Gunn's Suicide Squad. On social media, many people were lauding it for being one of the best comic book films ever made, and many were even calling it the best film in the DCEU. Well, I'm here to give my two pennies' worth on the film! PLOT: Amanda Waller puts together a "Suicide Squad", consisting of convicts, each with their very own special set of skills, to pull off an impossibly dangerous mission that affects the power of dynamics of the whole world. CAST: Bloodsport: Idris Elba Peacemaker: John Cena Ratcatcher 2: Daniela Melchior Harley Quinn: Margot Robbie Amanda Waller: Viola Davis REVIEW: James Gunn has the sense of humour of a fourteen-year old edgelord. He does not do dark comedy like Edgar Wright or The Coens, he prefers the 'oh look there's blood and guts everywhere', brand ...