Problems With Avengers Endgame

Hey guys! So I know I haven't posted in a while, and there's really no reason why. But there's news! I've been posting short reviews of films I like on my Instagram account: @blogofbooksandmovies! So go check that out. I've begun to post reviews there because I want to change up the content of this blog, from reviews to in-depth analyses of films and books. Now, on with the post!

So, Avengers Endgame has been out for a month, and in that time I've seen it twice. And I have a few problems with it. Now don't get me wrong, I think it's a brilliant movie and it's absolutely fabulous the way it is. But, then again, I want to point out some problems here and there in the movie. Spoilers for Avengers Endgame are down below (though if you haven't seen it yet, it's kind of on you, the movie's been out for over a month, go watch it!)

#1) Ant-Man getting out of the Quantum Realm
This is kind of a small thing, but it still bugged me somewhat through the movie. So at the end of 2018's Ant-Man and The Wasp, we see Scott Lang get trapped in the Quantum Realm as the people who were supposed to get him out of there (namely Hank Pym, Hope Pym, and Janet vanDyne) got dusted away in The Decimation Event. Scott's situation seems completely hopeless and I remember there being a lot of speculation as to how he would get out of there. Would he use the dreaded Time Vortexes? Some new Pym Particle technology? The internet was theories galore. But how did the Russo Brothers resolve this? A rat. A rat accidentally stepped on the button that would zap him out of the machine, thus resolving that part. I mean, what? In fact, a YouTuber named MatPat actually calculated the chances of that happening over at his channel FilmTheory. I actually recommend you check his channel out, it's really cool. Nonetheless, I felt that this was a dissatisfying conclusion to an awesome question in the movie.

#2) Major character degradation of Thanos
So, major praise that was sung for Avengers Infinity War was the character of Thanos and how beautifully he is written. He was a sympathetic character whose motivations you could get behind. He was one you could not help but feel sorry for. In a desperate attempt to save his species, he was willing to suggest even the most barbaric of solutions. Rejected by his own, for nothing but wanting to save his species. This was good character writing. But in Avengers Endgame, this version of Thanos is done with within the opening act of the movie. Instead, he is replaced by the brash, younger, 2014 version of Thanos, whose only goal seems to be to stop the Avengers. This felt a bit weird after the sympathetic version of Thanos. In Infinity War, a part of me wanted Thanos to succeed, in Endgame, he's just another CGI baddie with an army behind him. 

#3 Thor's depression a joke
Thor completely blames himself for Thanos' snap. In Infinity War, Thor stabs Thanos through the heart, in a poetic manner for Thanos killing his friend, Heimdall, and brother, Loki. Thanos tells Thor that he should've gone for the head and snaps. This leads to Thor blaming himself entirely for the snap. From here on it's a spiral into a self-destructive madness. He becomes a beer-drinking, Cheese Whiz loving, Fortnite player. This actually is a cool callback to his perfect body in Thor Ragnarok. But what he clearly shows are signs of depression. Rather than making this out as a proper problem, it's written as a joke and a source of humor. I'm gonna admit, I did laugh, but I couldn't help but feel a little bad for him.

So that's all for now, folks! As I have previously said, I absolutely loved the movie, but these are just a few of the problems that I could think of off the top of my head. And no, I've not mentioned the plot holes that it creates because I'm sure that Kevin Feige has thought of these before letting Endgame go into theatres.

As always, thank you for reading, and you can follow me on Instagram here: @blogofbooksandmovies.



  1. I do sort of get the charecter degradation of Thanos. I see it as charecter development. Failure of the world to see logic in his plan to kill half the species of universe to relieve pressure on resources of universe, sort of pushed him into making Avengers the cause of this failure.
    And I do agree Thor's depression could have been handled better.

  2. Very well written!! Keep em coming !

  3. This is really well done! The Ant-man one bugged me too (pun intended) ;))


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