WARNING: The movies listed below are what I thought were last year's best movies of all that I saw. Please try not to get triggered because what I post is just my opinion. If your favorite movie from last year isn't on this list, doesn't mean it's bad. It's just that we are two different people with different opinions. Hey Guys! 2017 was a great year for movies. Sure, it had MONUMENTAL let downs, it had many great flicks too. Today, I'm going to be talking about what I thought were some of the best movies of 2017. They are not in order and I won't place them in order because all of them were so great. I'm not gonna add the movies I haven't so seen, so don't get angry if you don't see The Greatest Showman on this list Let's Begin DARKEST HOUR DIRECTOR: Joe Wright To kick off the list, we have Darkest Hour. Darkest Hour is a simple Winston Churchill biopic that has been masterfully executed by all the cast and crew who worked b...