Knives Out - Spoiler Free Review
Hey guys!
So this will be my first post in a while, I'm sorry for that, but hey, better late than never, eh? So Knives Out is a 2019 Rian Johnson murder mystery written by him as well. Now I have seen two movies written and directed by him, Star Wars The Last Jedi, and Looper. But I don't actually like either very much. This might be the first Rian Johnson movie that I ACTUALLY like.
The apparent suicide of a billionaire mystery writer leads to the unveiling of many secrets of the family as genius detective Benoit Blanc tries to unweave the webs.

Benoit Blanc: Daniel Craig
Ana de Armas: Marta Cabrera
Michael Shanon: Walt Thombrey
Jaimie Lee Curtis: Linda Drysdale
Toni Collete: Joni Thombrey
Katherine Langford: Meg Thombrey
Chris Evans: Hugh Ransom Drysdale
Knives Out, woah where do I begin with this film? This movie is such a thrill ride, I can't even begin to explain what I feel after a film. This is undoubtedly a lot of fun. You will definitely enjoy this movie regardless of what your regular preference is. Everything about this film is so good, writing, the story, the sets, the acting, everything is spot on. Rian Johnson really outdid himself.
I have to talk about Daniel Craig's spectacular performance as the detective Benoit Blanc. I'm a huge fan of Daniel Craig, I think he's the best Bond we've had, and I like his other films as well (yes even the one with the cowboys and aliens). His performance was just stellar, perfectly comical at the right times, dramatic at the right times, and so mysterious at the right times, he pulled this off perfectly. Ana de Armas was someone new who I was introduced to by this film, and I absolutely loved her in this film, again a flawless performance.

Another thing I really liked about this film was the way it looked. It was just great to look at, with each shot a myriad of colors just popping up on the screen and grabbing the attention of the viewers. The movie is almost entirely set in the mansion which used some beautiful set designing. Just wonderful!
This film is a perfect mix of comedy and drama, with a gripping tale of mystery that keeps both seasoned mystery fans and new watchers on the edge of their seat, guessing with anticipation. Each scene, every word of dialogue has a pay off later in the film, and it leaves you completely satisfied with its awesome conclusion and a final shot that will just blow your mind.
I give this film a 4.8/5
Thanks for reading, sorry for posting so late, but from now on regular posts will follow! Follow me on Instagram at @blogofbooksandmovies!
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