Ant-Man and the Wasp - Spoiler Free Review

Hey guys!
So Ant-Man and the Wasp came out last week and I know I'm late, but I had exams (forgive me?) and the reactions range from it being super awesome to super boring. One of my close friends even had this to say about the movie: "It acts as a filler for Infinity War". So in this review, I'll tell you what I thought about the movie.

The movie runs parallel to Infinity War and takes place while the entire event is taking place in the background. So after, Civil War, Scott Lang is placed under house arrest. Following an experiment conducted by Hope Van Dyne and Hank Pym, Scott gets a dream in which Janet Van Dyne (wife of Hank Pym, presumed dead) she gives evidence of being alive. With three days left for the house arrest to get over, he is kidnapped by Hope and Hank in order to get Janet back! Will they succeed? And can Scott stay out of the sights of the cops for three days while saving the world?

Scott Lang/Ant-Man: Paul Rudd
Hope Van Dyne/The Wasp: Evangeline Lily
Hank Pym/Old Ant-Man: Michael Douglas
Janet Van Dyne/ Old Wasp: Michelle Pfieffer
Ghost: Hannah John-Kamen
Sonny Burch: Walton Goggins
Bill Foster/Goliath: Laurence Fishburne
DIRECTED BY: Peyton Reed


Now, don't get me wrong here: Peyton Reed is in no sense a bad director. He's made some pretty decent films in his time, like Bring It On and The Love Bug. However, I feel that he is incapable of handling such a major film. It is glaringly obvious in the scenes where he tries to recreate Edgar Wright's magic with the first film (Luis' talking montage, Wasp's knife dodging scene to name a few), but it just doesn't recapture the magic Wright had on the first film.

Now that the cinematic problems are out, we are going to discuss the acting of the performers. As expected from a Marvel film, the acting is spot on and each actor really immerses themselves into the character.The movie also talks about the problems working with Hank Pym result in, including him being maniacal, condescending and a sociopath. However, there is this one trend I have spotted in recent Marvel films. The antagonist often gains a lot of sympathy from the audience, as seen with the Golden Jaguar in Black Panther and the mighty Thanos in Infinity War, and now Ghost in Ant-Man and the Wasp. This leaves me asking: Are we watching the same story over and over again? If so, then Marvel really needs to work on their creativity. 

There is a lot of humor involved in the movie, as expected, and I thought that it was on a much lighter note than the super dark Infinity War. This leads him to lossing his wife and all his friends. The mid-credits scene went on for too long, in my opinion, but was worth it as we see some major questions raised in it.

Apart from a few plot holes here and there, I felt that the movie was pretty decent and good for a one time watch, but this is a major step down from the first movie and Wright's visionary movie aking skills. All in all, I would give the movie a 3.5/5

Until, next time folks! I'll be posting again soon! Until then, you can follow me on Instagram @varunissarani and on Twitter @deadpool6197




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