Does SW The Last Jedi Fulfill It's Destiny? - Spoiler Free Review For Star Wars The Last Jedi

Hey Guys!
Finally! The Eighth Installment in the Star Wars Series, Second in The Sequels Series is out! And here are my thoughts about it....

The Rebellion has almost been destroyed. With a handful of pilots, next to no ships with defense systems, Princess Leia Organa does all she can to prevent the evil First Order take full control of the galaxy. Meanwhile, our protagonist and hero, Rey tries to persuade Luke Skywalker to help the Rebellion defeat Supreme Leader Snoke. Lastle, our antagonist, Kylo Ren a.k.a Ben Solo has problems of his own, as he tries not to come under the complete influence of Snoke while trying destroy the Rebellion. Will any of them succeed?

Rey: Daisy Ridley
Leia Organa: Carrie Fischer
Luke Skywalker: Mark Hamill
Finn: John Boyega
Kylo Ren: Adam Driver
Poe Dameron: Oscar Issac
Director: Rian Johnson

Well, I wonder where to start with this movie. This movie is so bloody good. It's so good that I can hardly describe it in words.Does it fulfill it's destiny? Oh yes, it does! Exceeding all expectations, this movie is truly the greatest Star Wars movie, in my opinion. In fact, I think it's the best movie of the year!

Let me start with the direction. Rian Johnson does a spot on job on this movie. He gave us some beautiful scenes to view. Whether it was Kylo Ren breaking thins, broken rebel jets flying towards AT AT Walkers, lightsaber battles, the characters' control over the Force, everything was artfully and masterfully shot.The fight scenes and chase scenes were beautifully coordinated and choreographed. The acting was superb. A special shout out goes to Adam Driver because playing the role of conflicted antagonist, Kylo Ren, wasn't an easy job, considering the fact that there is an ongoing battle of good and evil within him.

Now, on to the plotline. The movie picks up where its prequel ended. Rey gives the lightsaber to Luke. Before that there is an epic space battle and quite a lot of people die. "Too many Losses" some would say. Another thing about this movie is that quite a lot of people die in this movie and if you haven't seen it yet, be careful, you might get a little teary-eyed in the end.
If you like good sci-fi or action or are a huge fan of Star Wars, you are going to love this movie!.

All in all, I would give this movie a perfect 5/5!

Also, if you liked this review, please leave a comment below and be sure to share this website with your friends and family! Thanks for all the support you people have been giving me. I appreciate it a lot! Until next time!



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